Dr. Edgar Alfonso Romero-Sandoval, The legal cannabis market in the context of pain patients and community factors

December 2021

Dr. Romero-Sandoval received a medical degree from Centro Universitario de Occidente, Quetzaltenango (Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala) in 1999 and a Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain, in 2003. He completed postdoctoral training at Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, NC (2003-2006) and Geisel Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, NH (2006-2007). Dr. Romero-Sandoval has held academic positions (2007-2012) at Geisel Dartmouth Medical School and served as Director of Research (2013-2017) at Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy in Clinton. Currently, Dr. Romero-Sandoval is an Associate Professor in Anesthesiology at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. The Romero-Sandoval laboratory explores neuroimmune interactions in surgical and neuropathic pain but also in neuropathies induced by diabetes or chemotherapy. Additionally, Dr. Romero-Sandoval studies the endocannabinoid system and cannabinoids in the context of pain, and more recently his lab studies how the cannabis market in the U.S. is shaped and how this could affect patients that use cannabis as an alternative to current ineffective pain medications. The Romero-Sandoval laboratory uses highly translatable clinical approaches such as nanotechnology for potential cell-directed gene therapies or studies on marketing practices to develop more effective and safer strategies to treat chronic pain.

Previous Webinars

Brian Whipker, PhD., Cannabis Insights: Diagnosing Nutrient Disorders

October 2023

Brian Whipker has been a Professor at NC State University for over 30 years specializing in plant nutrition, plant growth regulators, and disorder diagnostics. He has published >120 scientific papers and >300 grower articles during his career. He co-created an online grower resource fertdirtandsquirt.com which focuses on nutrient monitoring and nutrient standards. He also […]

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Tess Eidom PhD, PCQI, Assessing and Addressing Microbial Risks to Cannabis Patients and Consumers

October 2023

Tess Eidem earned her Ph.D. in Microbiology discovering novel antimicrobial compounds against bacterial pathogens, and she has continued to expand her knowledge in and outside of the lab, building a strong background in manufacturing, product safety and quality, and microbial detection and prevention measures with a focus on controlled environment agriculture (CEA) settings. Dr. […]

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Michael Alden, PhD. and Jim Faust, PhD., Nutrient Restriction(AKA Flushing): An old idea with a new twist

September 2023

Dr. Jim Faust is a professor of floriculture physiology at Clemson University in South Carolina, US. where he teaches hydroponics and greenhouse production courses and does research on Cannabis mother plant production, propagation, height control, flowering and postharvest drying and curing. He and Dr. Allison Justice started the Cannabis Research Coalition in 2022 to […]

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Ryan Vandrey, PhD., Experimental analysis of acute cannabis and cannabinoid effects in healthy adults

September 2023

Dr. Vandrey is an experimental psychologist with degrees from the University of Delaware (BA) and University of Vermont (PhD).  He is currently a Professor at the  Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit (BPRU).  Dr. Vandrey’s research focuses primarily on the impact of route of administration, dose, and chemical composition of cannabis products on resultant drug effects […]

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Dr. Mark Lefsrud, Cannabis Production and Processing from a Canadian Perspective, Hosted by The ICR Hemp Farmers Association

August 2023

Dr. Lefsrud is an Associate Professor at McGill University and leads the Biomass Production Laboratory. His education includes a B.Sc. (USask) and M.Sc. (Rutgers) in Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, and a Ph.D. (UTenn) in Plant Physiology, giving him a background in agriculture, biology, and engineering. The laboratory’s primary goal is the improvement of plants […]

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Dr. Jan Frederik Stevens, Chemistry and Pharmacology of Cannabinoids, Hosted by The ICR Hemp Farmers Association

July 2023

Jan Frederik (‘Fred’) Stevens earned his M.S. in pharmacy (1988), Pharm.D. (1990), and Ph.D. in medicinal chemistry (1995) from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He received postdoctoral training at Oregon State University (1995-1999), the Free University of Amsterdam (1999-2000), and the Leibniz Institute for Plant Biochemistry, Halle/Saale, Germany (2000-2002). In 2002, he joined […]

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