Cannabis Use and Neuropsychological Functioning among Emerging and Older Adults (2024)

Rachel E. Thayer, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neuropsychology, University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Very limited research has been conducted on the cognitive effects of cannabis in older adults, despite the increased risk of neurocognitive decline with aging. Among young adults, worse cognitive performance has been associated with earlier age of initiation, regular/higher frequency, and chronicity of […]
Defining offspring cardiovascular consequences of CBD consumption during pregnancy (2024)

Emily Bates, PhD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Developmental Biology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
The foundation of cardiovascular health is laid in the womb. We will identify new ways to promote lifelong cardiovascular health by studying the impact of potential harmful gestational exposure. How consumption of a cannabis component, cannabidiol (CBD), during pregnancy affects offspring health later […]
Edible Roulette or a Sure Bet? Evaluating Testing Standards and Consistency in Colorado’s Edible Products (2024)

Duncan Mackie, PhD,
Director of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, MedPharm Holdings
Cinnamon Bidwell, PhD,
Institute of Cognitive Science Faculty, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
This research project seeks to develop standardized edible (chocolate, gummy, drinks, and other) methods which can be used for ISO17025 accreditation and to inform governing bodies as to methods that should be […]
Endocannabinoids in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Changes with Cannabidiol (CBD) treatment (2023)

Nicole Tartaglia, MD
Professor, Pediatrics-Developmental Pediatrics University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Children with autism often struggle with behavioral challenges including irritability, anxiety, attention deficits, aggressive behaviors or self-injurious behaviors. Endocannabinoids are naturally occurring substances in the human body that bind to cannabinoid receptors and have actions across the body including significant effects on […]
Investigation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons resulting from vaped or dabbed cannabis/cannabis-derived products with known adverse health effects (2023)

Alison Bauer, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental & Occupational Health, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
According to the 2021 Health Kids Survey (CDPHE), among kids who use cannabis in Colorado, ~16% vape and ~22% dab cannabis. Cannabis vaping and electronic dabbing could lead to emissions of toxicants that are currently not tested, that are […]
Identifying the neuronal cell-types responsible for the rewarding and aversive properties of THC (2023)

David Root, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado Boulder
Marijuana is among the most widely used psychoactive substances across the world. The active ingredient in marijuana, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), has rewarding qualities and some individuals will become addicted to using it. THC has aversive properties as well at higher doses. On the […]
Cannabinoids and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial (2022)

Kent Hutchison, PhD
Institute of Cognitive Science Affiliated Faculty & Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) represents a major public health burden due to chronic neuropsychiatric sequelae (emotional, physical and cognitive) that negatively affect vocational activities, interpersonal relationships and independent living. Responses of these chronic symptoms to any particular treatment are both variable […]
Potential Health Effects of Heavy Metals in Cannabis Flower, Concentrates, Vape Devices, and Vape Emissions (2022)

Mike Van Dyke, PhD
Associate Professor, Center for Health, Work, and Environment, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Inhalation exposure to heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, mercury, and manganese can increase the risk for cancer as well as neurological, renal, cardiovascular, and hepatic outcomes. Smoking or vaping cannabis […]
Isolation and Pharmacological Evaluation of Phytocannabinoids for Alzheimer’s Disease (2022)

Duncan Mackie, PhD,
Director of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, MedPharm Holdings
Cinnamon Bidwell, PhD,
Institute of Cognitive Science Faculty, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
Our research group has a longstanding interest in the activity of cannabinoids for the treatment of inflammatory neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. The purpose of this proposal is to further develop […]
Preventative and treatment effects of broad-spectrum cannabidiol (CBD) in a rat model of comorbid autism and epilepsy: A mechanistic study (2022)

Christopher Lowry, PhD
Associate Professor, Integrative Physiology, University of Colorado Boulder
Over 50% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) show sub-clinical epileptic spikes by adolescence and 5-40% develop chronic epilepsy. Similarly, approximately 30% of children with epilepsy are also diagnosed with ASD. As a likely etiology, the role of inflammation in epilepsy is under intense […]